Is dating harder now than it's ever been?

Don Sholeone
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Re: Is dating harder now than it's ever been?

Post by Don Sholeone » Wed Nov 18, 2015 6:04 pm

I think people have become shallower since internet dating became popular, it basically makes everything about looks, a lot of people find it awkward to show there personality through words where as if you are out meeting people you don't really need to do anything but be yourself and u can really hit it off with someone,

These days people can just look at you online and decide right away they don't want to get to know you without ever speaking to you because u don't fit the look they want.

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Re: Is dating harder now than it's ever been?

Post by Blue & Maroon » Wed Nov 18, 2015 7:49 pm

Don Sholeone wrote:I think people have become shallower since internet dating became popular, it basically makes everything about looks, a lot of people find it awkward to show there personality through words where as if you are out meeting people you don't really need to do anything but be yourself and u can really hit it off with someone,

These days people can just look at you online and decide right away they don't want to get to know you without ever speaking to you because u don't fit the look they want.
it's always (initially) been about looks. You don't approach someone in a bar or at a dance, in ye olde times or on a train, like my Gran did to meet my granddad because you think they have a good personality although that's obviously what you hope for. Internet dating is exactly the same except obviously you don't have to leave your house.

I think the whole 'people have got shallower' is a bit of a fallacy. Although the internet can make it more comlicated in other ways.

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Re: Is dating harder now than it's ever been?

Post by overseasTOON » Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:21 pm

Don Sholeone wrote:I think people have become shallower since internet dating became popular, it basically makes everything about looks, a lot of people find it awkward to show there personality through words where as if you are out meeting people you don't really need to do anything but be yourself and u can really hit it off with someone,

These days people can just look at you online and decide right away they don't want to get to know you without ever speaking to you because u don't fit the look they want.
Back in the day before online dating people were still very shallow. In a nightclub you'd start off trying to chat up the attractive ones and if you were unlucky you'd simply downgrade and downgrade until it got closer to kick out time and you settle for a takeaway.

I had mates who would have been far better off in the modern world in terms of getting dates as they had the looks but bugger all charisma and ability to chat to women so often they were rejected because they came out with comments such as "I'd have kids if I could have multiple orgasms" or just sticking with cheap throwaway chat up lines.

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Re: Is dating harder now than it's ever been?

Post by Don Sholeone » Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:50 pm

My point is, in real life even if you are not very attractive you get more of a chance to woo someone than you do online, not many people would flat out ignore someone in real life if they started to speak to them, online its easy to just see a face and ignore.

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Re: Is dating harder now than it's ever been?

Post by TBC » Thu Nov 19, 2015 12:45 pm

Don Sholeone wrote:My point is, in real life even if you are not very attractive you get more of a chance to woo someone than you do online, not many people would flat out ignore someone in real life if they started to speak to them, online its easy to just see a face and ignore.
Which I agree with, but it's not even just for the not very attractive I'd say its for a large majority of 'ordinary' looking people. We're in the age of the filter selfies unfortunately!

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Re: Is dating harder now than it's ever been?

Post by TBWBlog » Thu Sep 15, 2016 1:57 pm

I don't encourage online dating. Awful!

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Re: Is dating harder now than it's ever been?

Post by TBC » Sun Feb 19, 2017 3:13 pm

Christ, forgot I started this discussion!

Funny story that someone I work with got divorced recently and signed up to a dating site that produced a list of suitable matches based on interests etc. One of the matches was only their ex-husband! <laugh>

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Re: Is dating harder now than it's ever been?

Post by bodacious benny » Sun Feb 19, 2017 3:18 pm

TBC wrote:Christ, forgot I started this discussion!

Funny story that someone I work with got divorced recently and signed up to a dating site that produced a list of suitable matches based on interests etc. One of the matches was only their ex-husband! <laugh>

At least their matching algorithm works (sort of!).
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Re: Is dating harder now than it's ever been?

Post by asbo » Tue Feb 21, 2017 3:39 pm

Bodacious Benny wrote:
TBC wrote:Christ, forgot I started this discussion!

Funny story that someone I work with got divorced recently and signed up to a dating site that produced a list of suitable matches based on interests etc. One of the matches was only their ex-husband! <laugh>

At least their matching algorithm works (sort of!).
If I signed up and got a match it would almost certainly prove their algorithm doesn't work.

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Re: Is dating harder now than it's ever been?

Post by Deano » Sat Mar 18, 2017 10:14 pm

I wouldnt know too much ive been on and off again with the same lass from my high school days (15 then im 20 now)

Ive been out with other girls ive met online but for whatever reason just never works out (theyre all f***ing mental its like the land of misfit toys no one is sane stay away from it) thats my experience anyway so yes it is harder now

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Re: Is dating harder now than it's ever been?

Post by bodacious benny » Sat Mar 18, 2017 10:18 pm

Been with my Mrs for 14 years so I've got no idea!
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Match day tickets leeds 14th

Post by Stutoon89 » Fri Apr 07, 2017 5:39 pm

Im in newcastle on the 14th April I couldn't get any tickets for the game..anybody know the odds of getting some tickets, cheers :-)

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Match day tickets leeds 14th

Post by Stutoon89 » Fri Apr 07, 2017 5:39 pm

Im in newcastle on the 14th April I couldn't get any tickets for the game..anybody know the odds of getting some tickets, cheers :-)

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